Having a partner who snores can make it very difficult to get a good night's sleep. Listening to loud snoring all night can leave you feeling exhausted the next day. If your bed partner's snoring is disrupting your sleep, there are some things you can try to get some much-needed rest. Here are 5 tips on how to sleep better if your partner snores:
Adjust Sleep Positions
The position your partner sleeps in can make snoring worse. Since snoring tends to worsen when sleeping on the back, adjusting positions can help minimize it. Sew a pocket into the back of your partner's pyjama shirt and insert a tennis ball. This will make sleeping on the back uncomfortable, prompting them to shift to their side, which may open airways and reduce snoring. Raising the head of the bed by a few inches can also help by preventing the tongue and soft tissues from collapsing into the airway. Just putting an extra pillow under your partner's head may do the trick. Sleeping on the side in the fetal position is ideal to keep airways open.

Try a White Noise Machine
White noise machines produce soothing sounds like ocean waves, rainfall, or ambient noise to mask annoying sounds that disturb your sleep. The steady, consistent sound from a white noise machine can help drown out the irregular snoring sounds from your partner. Place the machine near your side of the bed and experiment with different sounds and volume levels to find the most effective setting that blankets the snoring noise. Don't set the volume too loud, though, as this could actually disrupt your sleep more. Find the sweet spot where it masks just enough sound so the snoring fades into background noise.
Limit Alcohol Before Bed
Alcohol consumption can increase snoring. Drinking alcohol before bed causes the muscles in the throat to relax more than usual. This excessive muscle relaxation can narrow the airways and create airflow restriction that amplifies snoring. Avoid drinking too close to bedtime so the alcohol has time to metabolize, and its effects can wear off. Limit your partner to one alcoholic drink at least 3 hours before bed to reduce alcohol-induced snoring.
Use Ear Plugs for Snoring
One of the easiest solutions for blocking out snoring is to wear ear plugs for snoring partners, which are also highly recommended. Look for earplugs that are specifically designed for sleeping. They will be made of soft, comfortable material that molds to the shape of your ear canal to block noise. Silicone, moldable wax, and foam earplugs tend to work better than basic disposable foam earplugs. Make sure to insert them properly so they form a tight seal in your ears to maximize noise blocking. It may take some trial and error to find the best earplugs for you that block enough sound but are still comfortable to sleep with.

Go to Separate Rooms
If your partner's snoring is loud and frequent, sleeping in separate rooms may be the best solution to get uninterrupted sleep. This doesn't have to mean relationship trouble or sleeping apart every night. Think of it as a temporary sleep separation just to catch up on some much-needed rest. Use foam earplugs or a white noise machine in your separate room as well for added noise blocking. Arrange alternate nights where one person takes the main bedroom while the other uses a spare room. If you don't have an extra room, take turns sleeping on the couch a few nights a week.
Seek Medical Treatment
If you've tried everything from earplugs to separate bedrooms and still can't get a good night's sleep due to your partner's disruptively loud snoring, it may be time to gently suggest that they seek medical treatment. Untreated snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea or other health issues that require professional diagnosis. By visiting their doctor, your partner can learn about the cause of their snoring and the available treatment options, whether that involves a sleeping aid, a mouthguard, a breathing device, or lifestyle changes. With the right remedies, your partner's snoring can potentially be reduced or eliminated, leading to a quieter bedroom and better rest for both of you. Approaching the topic sensitively and framing it in terms of concern for their well-being can help ease any embarrassment or defensiveness they may feel. Make it clear that you want to work together to find a solution that improves health and happiness for you as a couple.
With some patience and experimentation, you'll find a solution that allows you to sleep peacefully again with your snoring partner. Don't give up - a good night's rest is essential! Consider earplugs, white noise, separate rooms, positional adjustments, and medical help if needed. With the right remedy, you'll both be sleeping soundly in no time.